OREXIM Mykolaiv Grain Processing Plant
- Object name: Silo-type storage on the territory of Mykolaiv Grain Processing Plant with a gallery in Mykolaiv Commercial Seaport;
- Object type: Agricultural industry / Port infrastructure;
- Type of work: Production and installation of metal structures, installation of galvanized gratings;
- Metal structures weight, including gratings - 3 316,2878 tons;
- Project Features:
- Height of the working towers + 68.000m;
- Installation of superstructures weighing 26.00tn at + 48.000m;
- Performing of works on the territory of the existing port;
- Installation of metal structures over existing transport communications, including the railway;
- Used installation equipment: МКГ 100.1, СКГ 401, МКГ 25-БР cranes, truck-mounted crane with lifting capacity of 180 tons.